GSoC'16 final report



Alright folks. It’s officially an end to the amazing 12 weeks of Google Summer of Code 2016! These 12 weeks have certainly helped me become a better person, both personally and professionally. I’ve had a chance to interact and learn from some very interesting and amazing minds from coala. Sadly, I couldn’t meet all but a few of them during the EuroPython conference this summer.


First and foremost, I would like to pay my eternal gratitude to my mentor Attila Tovt who patiently helped me improve the patch through multiple reviews. I was learning something new with each iteration. The major take away for me from his mentorship would be:

There is always a hack to something, then there is a solution to it.

Sadly, I couldn’t meet him during EuroPython conference, but I am hopeful to pay my regards in person someday! :)

Next, I must thank Abdeali for helping and guiding when I started my journey with coala and also Lasse Schuirmann. Well after all he is coala’s BDFL! Wondering what that means? Benevolent Dictator for Life :D

Hmm, on a serious note, if I say I am going to continue contributing to coala or any other FOSS that I may come across in future, one of the major reasons and an influencer would be Lasse! The guy is totally amazing. I don’t think anything else could describe him better than his own words that he said during EuroPython’16

Guys! Don’t just be a participant. It’s boring! Create a conference!

Impressive isn’t it? That’s Lasse for you! :)

I would also thank fellow GSoC students and now my new friends - Adrian, Adhithya, Alex, Karan, Araf, Sanket and Abhay. I look forward to stay in touch with them even after GSoC! :)

Last but far from the least, thanks to Max for giving such a wonderful lightning talk at EuroPython’16, cooking for us with all love at Bilbao, for being such an amazing and wonderful person.

The acknowledgement must end with my gratitude to coala, Google and Python Software Foundation for giving me an opportunity to be a GSoC student in the first place.

Work history

Past summer, I’ve contributed and maintained coala-html and coala-website projects. The commits and live demos are available online.

Table 1
Project Commits Status
coala-html demo coala-html commits, total 49 commits completed
coala website repo and coala embedded in coala-website demo Mentioned in Table 2 It is almost complete, but requires improvement in design.
Table 2

Commits for coala website repository as Gitlab doesn’t support commit filtering by author yet.

Commit SHA Shortlog
244a0b Add coala config, .gitignore and README
f9242a Init setup with flask
36f064 server: Add editor and preloader
51ac6e bower.json: Use bower to install dependencies
ac3cdd beardoc: Display what coala can do interactively
dd4f27 layout.html: Add donation, about and sponsor
1b1efa index.html: Add gitter chat
f90513 bear-doc: Include bear-doc
597a2a Add contributors
9a3491 requirements.txt: Add python dependencies
432f4f Add Installation instructions
220020 sitemap: Add sitemap_template
bd31c1 editor.html: Add editor

Although GSoC period may end, my contributions to FOSS won’t! :)


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