GSoC Experience


Well, it’s been quite a time since the last blog. The current blog and the following blogs are going to be about my overall experience and the stuff that I have learnt in the past 11 weeks while contributing to coala-analyzer as a Google Summer of Code developer under Python Software Foundation. The list is long hence I won’t contain them in single post. :)

EuroPython’16 Experience

Recently, I attended EuroPython conference at Bilbao, Spain where I had a chance to meet a few cool fellow coalaians ( @sils1297, @sims1253, @Udayan12167, @justuswilhelm, @Redridge, @Adrianzatreanu and @hypothesist ) and over thousand Pythonista | Pythoneer who happened to share their love and experience using Python by presenting talks, lightning talks or training session. Sadly, I couldn’t meet Attila Tovt my amazing GSoC mentor.

Being my first PyCon ever, I was a little nervous but curious about it. Having spent a day with the community made me feel comfortable. Seeing the energy that people shared, I was overwhelmed! In the coming days, mornings started with a Keynote speaker which was then followed by over dozen talks throughout a day on various exciting topics like Descriptors in Python, Effective Code Review, AsyncIO, Algorithmic Trading with Python, Deep Learning with tensorflow, Gilectomy: overcoming the GIL in CPython implementation by Lary Hastings and many more.

Finally the exploration ended with the workshop which I conducted on Guide to make a real contribution to an open source project for novice. It was a learning experience and definitely memorable for me! Being the first time in Europe, I was excited. People are friendly and the place is truly beautiful! :)

GSoC’16 Experience

Well, it has been totally an amazing and learning experience during this summer. I could effectively learn the best practices for a collaborative programmer and (probably) became one! Credits to my mentor - @Uran198 who patiently and solicitously reviewed my PRs. I never really bothered to follow practices like atomic changes , TDD aiming for maximum coverage for good code quality until I started contributing. Honestly, following such practices seemed bloating and sometimes annoying at first but once I got hold of them, they became a habit. I think during the GSoC period, the crucial things that I have learnt are how to write a code that is maintainable (docstrings, effective and atomic commits), testable (efficient code design, writing unittests and impressive coverage) and follows the standards. Having learnt these skills, I look forward to share them with my friends and the community.
The coming blogs would cover these practices in details. :)

GSoC’16 status

11 weeks are over with a week remaining before submissions. coala-html project is ready with this PR. I shall be working on to improve this project even after my GSoC period is over. Apart from coala-html, coala-website is almost ready with minor design stuff remaining. Soon enough I will submit it for review. :)


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