coala-html Beta


So I had been working on coala-html beta version since a few weeks.
The PR was certainly huge to be reviewed at once and soon became cumbersome to keep changes updated. But credits to my mentor - Attila and the constructive feedbacks from Abdeali, I could get it done the right way, making an appropriate and meaningful commits with a better code.

What is coala-html?

coala-html is a console application that runs coala analysis and generates an interactive webpage for the user.

How coala-html works?

coala-html, creates a webpage (Angular app) based on certain json files that are generated - first time when coala-html is run on a given repository, or updated - running coala-html again. By default, the generated webpage is served by launching a server at localhost and the json files are updated. User has an option to change this behaviour by providing the nolaunch and noupdate arguments respectively while running the coala-html. User can also provide an optional dir or directory path argument that will store the code for the webpage.
You may see a brief demo below:

Now as the basic functionalities are done, I am gonna work on improving the UI and writing more tests for having maximum coverage in coming weeks.

Stay tuned! :)

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